Friday 27 November 2009

Films Advertising Through New Modern Technologies

Companys and Institutions have started using more modern technology to advertise films, such as social networking sites, movie websites, email websites and instant messaging programs.
Facebook uses fan pages for new and upcoming movies where Facebook users can 'become a fan', allowing the page to pop up in their friends news feed and 'suggestions' section. Films can also have an event set up, which is for the release date and people can click to attend or not and comments can be made on the page. Many pages hold competitions, for example the Twilight Saga New Moon. You had to join the page to be able to enter/vote in a competition to win tickets for the London Premiere of the movie. This is all below the line advertising as you must view the pages yourself and join the pages.

MSN's homepage has a link to their movie section, which hosts traliors of new films, reviews, cinema showing times, photos and news. For example 'Brothers', 'up in the air' and 'armoured' are all featured on the website, they also allow you to take a virtual tour of Twilight's 'New Moon'. This website mainly shows high budget films starring well known actors. On MSN's instant messenging programme, a pop-up method is used in the corner of the screen to advertise things such as music, but also new films. If you happen to move your mouse over it, it will enlarge an advertisement. This is all below the line advertising as you must access it yourself. MySpace also use their homepage to advertise things such as competitions, interviews, new music and new films. Films can have official pages, with photos, videos that can be added to your profile, news and blogs and a chance to comment on the film.

Orange phone company have Orange Wednesdays where their customers can text for a code to get two for one at the cinema on a wednesday, encouraging them to go and see new films. Other major phone companies have text alert systems that you can sign up to, to get updates on the latest films.

YouTube hosts HD traliors, uploaded by companies that use YouTube to advertise as it has more users. The companies have their own accounts and pages of which they can have a film related background to advertise as well. On the trailors/video blogs/interviews uploaded, users can rate and comment and review for feedback.


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